Monday, April 29, 2024

Northview senior Sophie Stallcop is involved in HOSA, FCA, and National Honors Society. She has also run track for the past four years, running the 300 meter hurdles and polevaulting.

Stallcop describes winning track sectionals last year, naming it her favorite high school memory.

“We had a great season, and I loved each and every one of the girls that was on the team.”

Outside of school, Sophie is a member of the Junior Department Club, the Wabash Valley Community Foundation Youth Grant Committee, and a 10 year member of 4-H. Her hobbies include traveling as a competitive barrel racer and showing livestock nationally.

“The livestock industry has helped to shape me into the person I am today and has taught me true hard work and dedication.”

In her free time, Stallcop enjoys hunting and fishing with her father.

In the future, Sophie plans to attend Ivy Tech Community College to study nursing. Her goal is to become a labor and delivery nurse.

“I have always loved to help deliver baby calves and pigs and being apart of that process, and I think it would be amazing to help with people as well.”

Sophie explains that her favorite part of high school has been the friendships she has made.

“My favorite part of high school has been finding my friend group and cheering on the football team every Friday night in the student section with my friend MJ.”

Stallcop notes that her proudest accomplishment has been her academic performance.

“I have kept a high GPA while taking hard classes, and even taking some dual credit classes through Ivy Tech.”

When asked of any role models in her life, Stallcop points towards her grandparents.

“I admire each of them for many different reasons. They are all so supportive, hard working, and great role models that I have looked up to my whole life.”

Sophie has several ideas about what she would like to do in her life.

“In my future, I want to get married and have kids of my own. I would love to travel and spend lots of time in Texas, my favorite state. I would love to go on a mission trip to Africa with my sister.”

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